Why You Have Dandruff and How to Get Rid of It

Dandruff has plagued some people for many years, causing annoyances due to its itchiness that leads to small wounds and cuts because of the dry skin on the scalp also making it more greasy than normal. It’s also embarrassing, lowering self-esteem when it flakes off and falls to your black clothing. People have tried numerous ways to get rid of dandruff but can’t seem to. Let’s dig deeper on its root cause and how we can prevent or stop more from producing on our scalp.

Learn What Exactly Dandruff Is

Our face and head have sebaceous (oil) glands that secrete natural sebum (oil) that acts as a natural lubricant for the hair and scalp to make it soft and pliable. As opposed to dry skin, oily skinned people tend to have wrinkles much later in life. But having excess sebum can cause unwanted dandruff. It also collects and thickens on the scalp that results in flaking, it may or may not be itchy so you could actually have dandruff without knowing it.

Though the benefit of having oily skin is that your skin ages slower, they are more often the victims of dandruff. But more often, the cause of dandruff is having a poor diet or lack of certain vitamins and minerals. Further, you learn what nutritional deficiencies are causing these excessive oil breakouts and natural remedies to help you get rid of them. 

Dandruff Causes and Natural Remedies

    1. Biotin is a B vitamin and is a major anti-dandruff compound. It not only treats dandruff but also the excessive sebum produced by your scalp and face. 6 mg is a recommended dosage you should take daily, of which you can also attain this through soybeans. If soybeans are not to your liking, we recommend a good quality supplement such as this Biotin Infused with Organic Virgin Coconut Oil that saves you the hassle of having to prepare food during rush days. Often the cause of dandruff is a severe B Complex deficiency, lack of unsaturated fatty acids, and zinc. Other essential nutrients are selenium, sulfur, and lecithin.

  1. As we have mentioned earlier, diet also plays a crucial role in having dandruff. One should definitely get rid of alcohol, excess fats, greasy food, and all other fried food from your diet. Food allergies can be a cause as well, such could be from wheat, dairy products, citrus or something else. You can simply get a test for this at your local clinic and start avoiding the food you are allergic to. 
  2. Another cause is being too stressed and having poor elimination of feces. Make sure to defecate daily or every other day to maintain your body’s normal Ph levels.
  3. Do not use strong shampoos that can become irritants to the scalp and hair thereby producing the excess sebum we aim to avoid. If you constantly use hair products such as gel or wax remember to thoroughly remove them at the end of every day and at least let your hair rest from the harsh chemicals once or twice a week.
  4. Other nutrients to include in your diet is flaxseed oil, vitamins E and A, Folic acid, and B6. The best food to eat would be kelp and other green, leafy vegetables, around 50-75% eaten raw in a salad. 

Hair Massages and Washing Using Nature’s Cures

Massages can stimulate good oils from our scalp and helps remove the build-up of flakes, you can use Burdock Root unto your scalp as you massage through every corner. Burdock Root is a herb known for its anti-dandruff qualities. Afterward boil either comfrey, ginger, licorice, celandine, and plantain as tea and using them as rinses for the scalp and hair. You can also use aloe vera shampoo once or twice a week which can help control dandruff and relieve itching.

Aloe vera gel can provide amazing relief from dandruff and is beneficial for face, hair, sunburn relief, dry winter skin, acne, razor bumps, psoriasis, eczema and is best applied at night before bedtime. Remember to avoid shampoos containing selenium sulfide as this can cause hair loss and even eye damage.

So, aside from those remedies, look for ways to not be too stressed and remember to unwind and relax more often because stress tends to agitate our scalp producing too much oil. A little sunlight and walking outdoors will not only help your scalp but also your over-all well being.