Looking for a HIIT Workout Schedule For Max Benefits? Are you planning to reschedule your fitness routine for reaching the ultimate fitness goals that you always dream of? If you keep yourself updated to the newest trends of the fitness world, then you most probably have heard about the Tabata Progam. Named after the inventor, Scientist Dr. Izumi Tabata of Japanese origin, Tabata Program is today, among the most popular high-intensity interval training (HIIT) methods invented in late 90’s. This program is a high-intensity training schedule, which lasts for four minutes only. The schedule consists of a cycle of 8 rounds of any intense exercise according to your choice, each round having 20 seconds of exercise period with 10 seconds of interval. These exercises are super speedy, super fun to perform and also burn fat like crazy.
A recent scientific study conducted by the American Council on Exercise (ACE) proved that up to 15 calories can be melted in a minute by performing the Tabata. This ACE Tabata research provides a training protocol on which you are suggested to spend 20 minutes. Every exercise schedule should have 8 rounds taking 4 minutes, and each round will have a set of 20 seconds with 10 seconds of resting time. You can do two schedules of two different intense exercises or single schedule of four different exercises. You have to make sure to give yourself rest for a whole minute after every schedule of four minutes.
Every piece of an element which should be included in a perfect workout schedule is there in a HIIT workout schedule. It is less time-consuming, amazingly effectual and incredibly tough when done in the correct way. This schedule will increase your heart rate and also metabolism rate significantly and very quickly. As you will have to work out in such a high level of intensity, your body must work very hard to maintain the schedule. Your metabolism rate will not only reach a pick, but it will remain at a high level for quite a long while even after you are finished with the routine.
A helpful article in The Guardian: The Tabata workout programme: harder, faster, fitter, quicker?
First of all, you have to get yourself a timer of good quality, as it will be almost impossible to keep track of time with accuracy while doing such intense exercises, especially when you have to track small periods like 20 or 10 seconds. Next, you have to choose styles of workout which will suit you most considering your age, body structure and level of endurance and stamina. For the beginners, 20 minutes of Tabata will be very tough as suggested by the ACE Protocol for Tabata. So, you can incorporate 4 or 8 minutes of a HIIT workout schedule with your regular fitness routine. Then, you can gradually increase the schedule to 12 minutes, 16 minutes and ultimately 20 minutes, when your body seems to have developed the higher capacity of endurance and the greater level of stamina for performing the intense workout for longer periods of time successively.
There are numerous high-intensity exercise moves which can be included in a Tabata or HIIT workout schedule. There are both classic and modern moves which can be performed according to Tabata Formula. Classic styles are push-up, kettlebell, sprint, luge, rowing, squat, etc. Whereas modern styles include- jump squat, board jump to fast feet, high knees w/o jump rope, lateral lunge to knee jump, mountain climbers, skater to curtsy lunge, snowboarder jumps, Russian twist, and many more. You can try these moves for a set (20 seconds) as a warm-up session to find out which ones fit you most. Then you pick from one to four styles to incorporate into your Tabata or HITT workout schedule.
Design Your Own HIIT Workout Schedule
For example, you might have chosen the following four moves for your routine:
1. The Perfect Push-up
• Get into plank position, with your hands under but slightly outside of your shoulders.
• Lower your body until your chest nearly touches the floor.
As you lower yourself, tuck your elbows, pulling them close to your body so that your upper arms form a 45-degree angle when your torso is in the bottom position of the move. Pause, then push back to the starting position as quickly as possible. Keep your core braced the entire time.
If your hips sag at any point during the exercise, your form has been broken. When this happens, consider that your last repetition and end the set.
• If it hurts your wrists to put your hands directly on the floor, place a pair of dumbbells (use a pair with flat edges, like hex dumbbells) at the spots where you’d position your hands. Then grasp the dumbbells’ handles and keep your wrists straight as you perform the exercise.
2. Mountain Climbers
• Assume a push-up position with your arms straight and your body in a straight line from your head to your ankles. Without changing the posture of your lower back (it should be arched), raise your right knee toward your chest.
• Pause, return to the starting position and repeat with your left leg. That’s one rep. Alternate until you’ve completed all your reps.
3. Jump Squats
• Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
• Start by doing a regular squat, then engage your core and jump up explosively.
• When you land, lower your body back into the squat position to complete one rep. Land as quietly as possible, which requires control.
4. Russian Twist
• Lie down on the floor or a mat with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground.
• Tuck your feet under a heavy object or have a workout partner hold them down.
• Lift your upper body off the ground so that your torso and thighs for a V-shape.
• Extend your arms in front of you parallel to the ground. Bring your palms together.
• Keep your abs contracted and twist your torso to the right, bringing your arms out to the right as well.
• Rotate back through center, then twist to the left.
Begin with a couple of minutes of jogging or running in place. Then start performing every style mentioned above starting with the push-ups for four minutes, following the Tabata Formula, 20 seconds of workout followed by 10 seconds of rest. Once you complete 8 rounds in four minutes, lay or sit down and do breathing for a full minute, resting your whole body. Then move on to the next style and follow the same sequence. The four styles will be completed in 20 minutes, and then you again rest your whole body for at least 2 minutes while breathing deeply. This will help you to normalize your increased heart rate and also will comfort your lungs after such intense workout.
You can perform a Tabata or HIIT workout schedule with one single style of exercise. But, it is recommended to choose a variety of styles so that the routine will not exhaust the same muscles groups of your body, as it would if you choose just one or two exercises per Tabata schedule. Again various styles will help you to activate the muscle groups of your whole body so that you can lose fat and build muscles throughout your body with balance. If you are just a beginner for HIIT, you should not be doing more than 2-3 sessions per week. When you start to become more advanced, with increased endurance level, you can go up to 4-6 times a week. So give yourself a push, make up your mind, pick your Tabata or HIIT Workout Schedule and have fun!
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