Slide Board Exercise Benefits

Slide Board Exercise Benefits

Slide Board Exercise Benefits: Mastering your body mechanics, improving muscle function, and getting rid of dysfunctional activation patterns. However, it’s vital to mention that slide board exercises pose a great challenge to fitness novices. Slide board exercises work extremely well if you are serious about getting in tip-top shape. The following exercises are used to …

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Medicine Ball Workouts For Abs

Medicine Ball Workouts For Abs

Sit-ups have a solid reputation in the gym, but the medicine ball workouts for abs are extremely effective when it comes to helping one get a defined midsection. You will be making a huge mistake if you ignore this physical fitness routine. You should add it to your exercise regimen today! History Around Medicine Balls …

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One-Minute Workouts: Myth or Reality

One-Minute Workouts Myth or Reality

One-minute workouts have been the center of discussion for many years. Some have said that these unique workouts have helped them develop an impressive physique within three to four weeks. According to an old saying, “If something seems too good to be true, chances are that it is.” However, this is not the case when …

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How To Fall Asleep Faster and Stay Asleep

Exhausted man waiting to fall asleep needs to learn how to fall asleep faster and stay asleep

How To Fall Asleep Faster and Stay Asleep is more of a problem than you think. The National Sleep Foundation poll revealed that 75 percent of American adults experience symptoms of a sleep problem at least several times a week. Moreover, chronic insomnia may affect 10 percent of the population. Our Bodies Needs Deep Uninterrupted …

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Belly Fat Loss Exercise and Diet

Young girl drinking grapefruit juice for belly fat loss exercise and diet

With the ever-increasing amount of processed food and ready-made meals, doing belly fat exercise has become very important. This is because of the lack of proper nutrients and food content in these pre-packaged foods. Now, supplements and replacement meals are being shoveled at the consumers as a ‘fix’ for the problem they created. However, there …

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Body Weight Workouts For Women

Fit woman performing body weight workouts for women

By this point, just about anyone who is interested in body weight workouts or losing weight has heard of HIIT (high intensity interval training). These workouts have become wildly popular due to their tremendous fat burning abilities in a short amount of time. Body weight workouts for women involving HIIT may take longer than the …

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Calisthenics Workouts for Women

Athletic woman doing calisthenics workouts hanging upside down on horizontal bar at fitness gym

Calisthenics workouts for women might not be the first thing that comes into your mind when you think of calisthenics. We are accustomed to seeing men doing calisthenics workouts on televisions and in magazines. However, it’s important to note that women have done these challenging bodyweight exercises for many years. Calisthenics Workouts in Grade Schools …

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Barbell High Intensity Interval Training Workouts

Fit woman in Gym using Barbell High Intensity Interval Training Workouts

High intensity interval training (HIIT) is a cardiovascular exercise strategy alternating short periods of intense anaerobic exercise with less intense recovery periods. Can be used with almost any form of exercise: barbells, bodyweight, calisthenics, dumbbells, kettlebells, and more. This type of training gets and keeps your heart rate up and burns more fat in less …

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