The Complete Guide To Taking Emotional Care of Yourself

taking care of your emotional state

A jam-packed existence is a result of living in the twenty-first century. You feel compelled to be as efficient as possible at work, home, and in your social life. Yet, these same endeavors can also wreak havoc on your emotions. How can you take care of your mental state as you strive to live your …

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Growth And Comfort: Worlds That Collide

growth versus comfort: worlds that collide

Have you ever noticed that when you’ve been comfortable for a long time, you get a little stale? Do you know why that is? It’s because comfort and growth simply do not occur at the same time. It may as well be a law of the universe. You have to pick one over the other. …

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8 Popular Places To Take Ashtanga Yoga Classes in the US

The formula for the best Ashtanga yoga classes is holistic approach paired with the effective technique with a pinch of humor. Hitting the mat these days had become a mainstream fad that even the mighty men of the house are already practicing it by heart. Finding the best classes aren’t a hard task too. As more and …

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Morning or Evening? When Is The Best Time To Practice Ashtanga?

It’s not actually a subject of debate but the perfect time to practice Ashtanga brings a buzz to practitioners. Surely, this depends on the choice of the yogi. But Ashtanga yoga morning or evening practice has its own pros and cons. Some asanas may require an empty stomach while others are flexible enough to be practiced at …

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Stress and Anxiety Management Techniques

Stress and Anxiety Management Techniques

Managing Stress and Anxiety is an important component of a healthy lifestyle. The feeling of being stressed can be triggered by an event that makes you feel frustrated or nervous. Anxiety is a feeling of fear, worry, or unease. Let Us Focus On Creating A Healthier Lifestyle With 5 Ways To Manage Stress And Anxiety. …

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Is Juicing Good For You?

Is Juicing Good For You

Is Juicing good for you? More so than eating the raw vegetables and fruits? Since juicing is a process where one extracts the juice from the fresh fruits and vegetables, it would be equally as good. The only extra benefit might be that it allows you to consume more of the fruits and vegetables. The …

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Detox Tea: What Does It Do?

Detox Tea: What Does It Do?

Detox Tea: It’s impossible to scroll through social media platforms anymore without seeing at least 1 celebrity promoting some version of it. Although you can be tempted to believe that these products work as miraculously as the sound, these quick-fix teas are more than a fad. So, what does detox tea do? Detox tea is …

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5 Basic Components of Physical Fitness for Fast Weight Loss

5 Basic Components of Physical Fitness for Fast Weight Loss

Physical fitness is a state of health & wellbeing and more specifically, the ability of the body to function effectively and efficiently. Any program that neglects one or more of these components of physical fitness is NOT going to benefit your body in the long run. An effective fitness program will attempt to improve all …

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