Triceps Exercise Injuries and Major Muscle Traumas

Physical Therapist Checking Out Shoulder and Triceps Muscles of Male Patient for Injuries

You need to know how to avoid triceps exercise injuries and other major muscle traumas. Overuse of your muscle groups is the leading cause of injuries in sports and exercising. These traumas can bench you and literally stop your fitness routines until you are fully recuperated. Common Sports and Exercising Injuries Whether we are already …

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Hottest Yoga Program for Upper Body Muscle

Young woman in upper arm strength pose

Hottest Yoga Program for Upper Body Muscle. Yoga has the ability to strengthen the upper body. This is because all the upper body muscles are engaged by the movements of yoga. Why Are the Hottest Yoga Workouts So Ideal for Upper Body Muscle It’s widely known that yoga is wonderful for loosening tight muscles, soothing …

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Lower Abs Exercises For 6 Pack Abs

Athletic Woman hanging from bar with legs raised horizontal to the ground in cross fit training area

Lower Abs Exercises and Upper Abs Exercises are both needed for 6 Pack Abs. You can use Ab exercise equipment in a gym or use your own body weight exercises at home. The weather is warming up tremendously, and this summer looks to be a hot one. For some people, this means whipping out the …

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Beyond Yoga Programs Replacing School Detention

Young Girl sitting on floor in Yoga Pose with Other Students in background

Think Beyond Yoga Studios. Use Yoga lessons to replace Detention in our schools. Teach Yoga for the many reasons that it would benefit our children. Schools in Denver, Colorado have changed how detention time is spent on children who misbehave in class. In March 2018 schools in Denver changed detention time into yoga time for …

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The GMO Food Danger Zone

Several farmers in Haz-Mat Suits standing in field surrounded by gigantic purple grapes

America has become a food danger zone because of the rampant use of GMOs. The rest of the world is banning the use of GMOs. So what is it that WE are NOT being told? What Does GMO Stand For? GMO stands for “genetically modified organism”, which is a new organism, not found in nature, …

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Avoid Pulled Chest Muscles in Your Workout

Avoid Pulled Chest Muscles in Your Workout FI

A strained or pulled chest muscle may cause a sharp pain in your chest. This happens when your muscle is stretched or torn. If you have a significant muscle injury (or if home remedies bring no relief in 24 hours), call your doctor. Everyone seems to be doing chest exercises to get their chest in …

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Strength Training Programs For Beginners

Strength Training Programs for Beginners fi

Strength training programs are a time-tested and proven method of building muscle, burning fat and gaining strength simultaneously, all the while making improvements to cardiovascular health. Fitness Trends Fitness trends come and go as the years pass by, gaining popularity and eventually fading away. Strength training programs have been around just as long as human …

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My Yoga Online Benefits

My Yoga Online Benefits FI

My Yoga Online Benefits are many. Online Yoga offers a vast array of choices. You pick the time and place. You get to try many yoga styles and teachers. Comfort, Convenience, and the list goes on. With this age of the internet and everything going digital, it is no surprise that yoga is also going …

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