Herbal Remedies For Stress Relief

herbal remedies for stress relief

Unfortunately, many people habitually reach for the pill bottle when they’re stressed-out. It is often overlooked that there are also good herbal remedies to relieve stress. The advantage of herbal remedies is that they usually have no side effects, and can be just as effective to get rid of stress. Herbal remedies make use of …

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Back To The Wild: Finding Peace In The Great Outdoors

In the summer months, do you consider getting outside more, but then find it difficult actually following through? If you’re over-worked and stressed out, you need to uncover your inner peace again. But how do you find tranquility in a mad world? Take a break and head outdoors to your favorite park, nearby hiking trail, …

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Before Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training – Know These Facts!

Before Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training – Know These Facts!

It’s more difficult to teach than practice Ashtanga. A group of students would be relying on you for their asanas and you need to have all the knowledge for this. So before you embark on your Ashtanga yoga teacher training, you have to know some facts. Some could be inspiring but others could also be …

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The Complete Guide To Taking Emotional Care of Yourself

taking care of your emotional state

A jam-packed existence is a result of living in the twenty-first century. You feel compelled to be as efficient as possible at work, home, and in your social life. Yet, these same endeavors can also wreak havoc on your emotions. How can you take care of your mental state as you strive to live your …

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Growth And Comfort: Worlds That Collide

growth versus comfort: worlds that collide

Have you ever noticed that when you’ve been comfortable for a long time, you get a little stale? Do you know why that is? It’s because comfort and growth simply do not occur at the same time. It may as well be a law of the universe. You have to pick one over the other. …

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The 7 Habits of Serenity

7 habits of serenity

Do you genuinely feel a sense of serenity on a regular basis? Or does it seem like feelings of anxiety in nearly all aspects of life have become the status quo? Most people aren’t able to enjoy feelings of calmness and peace on a regular basis. Everyone feels this way from time to time. But …

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8 Popular Places To Take Ashtanga Yoga Classes in the US

The formula for the best Ashtanga yoga classes is holistic approach paired with the effective technique with a pinch of humor. Hitting the mat these days had become a mainstream fad that even the mighty men of the house are already practicing it by heart. Finding the best classes aren’t a hard task too. As more and …

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Why You Have Dandruff and How to Get Rid of It

Dandruff has plagued some people for many years, causing annoyances due to its itchiness that leads to small wounds and cuts because of the dry skin on the scalp also making it more greasy than normal. It’s also embarrassing, lowering self-esteem when it flakes off and falls to your black clothing. People have tried numerous …

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