10-Minute Office Exercise Program

10-Minute Office Exercise Program

I came home after 10 hours of sitting at my desk and I realized a few things. I needed an office exercise program! First, my entire body was stiff and sore. Second, I had eaten more than my daily allotment of calories in vending machine snacks due to a forgotten lunch at home. Third, my …

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Chair Yoga Poses and Benefits

Chair Yoga Poses and Benefits YLO

Yoga has been a popular activity for many years, with proven physical and clinical benefits. Chair Yoga is a newer program that is earning a rightful reputation as a unique variety of yoga in its own right. The world is in the middle of an obesity epidemic, caused by poor diet and inactivity. It is …

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Vegan Cookie Recipes You Must Try

Vegan Cookie Recipes You Must Try

We travel year round and rarely do we find an Airbnb with an oven but recently we have been in the Georgian Republic since September and I have had an oven. Yay! I had time and the cooking resources to do some baking on this stop. I searched the internet and especially on Pinterest for …

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15 Natural Foods to Fight Inflammation

15 Natural Foods to Fight Inflammation

Inflammation is part of the body’s immune response when a harmful or irritating stimuli affects a localized area. The stimuli can be physical damage or a bacterial/viral infection. It manifests as swelling, tenderness, warmth, discoloration, and is sometimes painful. We will go over several foods to fight inflammation naturally. Inflammation is a symptom of a …

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Tabata Workout Benefits

Tabata Workout Benefits

Whether you want to lose weight, increase strength, build muscle or improve flexibility, there is an exercise program for it. Tabata Workout Benefits, however, also include a shorter time needed for the quick workout, the effectiveness of obliterating fat, improving speed & endurance, and ramping up the post-workout calorie burn. What is Tabata? Tabata training …

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Dead Sea Mud Benefits For Your Skin

Dead Sea Mud Benefits For Your Skin

The minerals in the Dead Sea Mud are infused so precisely into it, that the mud actually contains some microscopic minerals, that penetrate your skin pores and nourish your skin. The minerals in the mud are what help to improve blood circulation. These Dead Sea Mud Benefits help to smooth out wrinkles, thus promoting a …

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20 Keto Recipes Under 20 Minutes

20 Keto Recipes Under 20 Minutes

We love to eat … but I don’t want to spend hours in a kitchen … but we want foods that are healthy to eat and … especially ones that cause us to make ‘yummy sounds’ while we enjoy eating them. So, we have put together 20 favorite Keto Recipes that are all quick, easy, …

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10 Tasty Easy & Healthy Vegetarian Recipes

10 Tasty Easy & Healthy Vegetarian Recipes

Vegetarians are people whose diets only include vegetables, fruits, nuts, and grains. So basically, they are into plant-based foods and are always looking for tasty, healthy Vegetarian recipes. There are different types of vegetarians. Individuals who do not eat any meat whatsoever to those that include meat substitutes or eat minimal amounts of meat. Vegetarian …

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